Tuesday, February 1, 2011


CONTENT – It is needed for a Peaceful and Happy Life
                    Once there lived a rat named Jerry in a forest. It was sometimes happy and mostly sad due to a cat named Tom. Jerry was happy until it saw Tom. It was always a hell for Jerry to escape from Tom. Tom was always eager to catch Jerry as it was a bubbly rat.
                  On Sunday morning Jerry went outside in search of food in the forest. Suddenly Tom appeared in front of him and started chasing him. As Jerry was in sandy area of the forest, he was running fast but unable to escape. Jerry ran into Saints hut and fall on his feet to save him. Saint asked him what he want ? Jerry thought a while and asked the Saint to change him into a big cat. Saint told as you wish and he turned into a cat.
                  Tom was astonished to see a cat in front of him and he went away. Now Jerry was the happiest person in the World. Jerry roamed around the forest like newly born baby. Suddenly a wild dog came to bite him, he was afraid, he ran to the saints home, asked him to change him in to a dog. Saint told so be it ! Jerry turned in to a Dog. Now Jerry became double happy. Jerry went to a nearby city.  King of the country came in a palanquin, soldiers started to beat Jerry who was barking.
                   Same funny story happened, Saint turned Jerry as a King. Jerry was the powerful king. He thought he will be happy for ever. There burst a war between Jerry King and neighbor king. Jerry was about to die, suddenly he prayed to Saint, to turn him in to a Rat as before. Now Jerry was content. Jerry lived a happy life .
                   Moral of the story is always be content of who you are ? and what you are ? where you are ? then you will be the happiest person in this world.

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