Saturday, January 29, 2011

FAITH - Wonders In Life

                FAITH – It is the key to a successful life. To achieve something great, we should have great faith.
                      There was a man named Peter. He had a son named John. They lived in a village. Suddenly John was suffering due to high fever, no doctor was able to cure it. John was slowly dying due to it. There lived a famous Saint in the nearby village. All sick people were cured by his herbal medicine.
                      Peter went to the saint and told him about his son’s condition. The saint examined John, he told it’s difficult to cure his son. Faith along with god’s grace can only cure him. Saint told about the collecting of medicine. On full moon day, during night, when aswin star is glowing on the sky, King cobra’s venom should be collected in a skull. Using that venom and few herbs, medicine will be ready and it will cure John.
                      Peter had full faith in God. He prayed to god with 100% faith. On full moon day, he went to the forest for collecting the venom. He waited in the forest till night. The full moon had Rosen. Aswin star had started glowing, he prayed to god intensely, to his astonishment, he saw a cobra was about to catch a frog. Frog jumped over a skull, cobra was about to bite it but the frog escaped and cobra’s venom fall into the skull.
                      Peter took the skull to the saint. Saint prepared a medicine with cobra’s venom. John took that medicine and he was cured within 3 days.    
Moral of the story is faith make wonders in humans life. So always have 100% faith.

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