Sunday, February 27, 2011


          There are two opinions, one opinion is  Man can do anything in his life by his free will. Another opinion is man can do anything only through god’s will, We humans are like doll in god’s hand.
                In all religious books these two opinions had been said in brief. We are bit confused by this two opinions. This truth can’t be easily understood, but this question was asked to a great saint in India, he told a story to explain this in detail.
                Humans speak about free will in detail but truly everything happens based on god’s will. It’s like a cow tied to a post. It can do anything with in its limits. Humans will depends on god’s will.
                Once great Rishi Naradha went to see God Narayana in Vaigunda. There he argued with God for an important matter. God Narayana became angry and cursed Naradha to go to hell. Sage Naradha was very sad on hearing this.
                Sage Naradha praised lord and asked, ”Oh God! Please tell me the way to hell”. God was pleased with his devotion, he drew a map on the floor, indicated ‘hell’ and ‘heaven’ on that map and showed it to Naradha. Naradha pointed to the hell in the map and asked the God,” God! Is this hell ?”. God replied,” Yes! It is”.
                Suddenly Naradha fell on the floor and rolled over ‘Hell’ as indicated by God and he told he had gone to hell. God asked Naradha, “how you went to hell”. Sage replied,” Dear God! You had created Hell and Heaven, You had drew the world map on the floor, indicated ‘Hell’ & ‘Heaven’, told to me ‘this is hell’, I had rolled over the hell, so I had gone to hell”.
                Sage Naradha rolled over the hell with full devotion and belief in God’s words. So God accepted Sage’s explanation.
                Moral of the story is our will depends on god’s will. God’s will is a great support to our will.

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